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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Jonah --- Here I Come!

Yay! Last night our Ladies Bible Study group picked back up. Man I missed it. We had decided to take the month of July off since everyone is so busy with summer vacations, mission trips, VBS, kids' camp, etc. While it was nice to have a little break, I truly missed meeting every week with the girls.

Our time together every Tuesday night is so highly valued by all of us. We talked last night about what our Bible Study means to us, and we all agreed....we like learning about God's Word, diving in and understanding the message on a deeper level, sharing our personal stories, relating to each other, and just plain fellowship time. We had about 15 or 20 ladies there last night and it was like we just picked up where left off, and we enjoyed a great potluck meal too.

We are going to be studying the book of Jonah for the next 6 weeks. I'm totally thrilled about that because I know the child's version of the story, but I want to have a deeper understanding - more than just Jonah got swallowed by a whale. When I told JD that we were going to study Jonah, he said "Oh, I know that story. God told Jonah to go to Nineveh but he didn't want to so he tried to run away. He got on a ship but then the men threw him in the water and a big fish swallowed him. Then he prayed and the whale spit him back out." I got all teary-eyed because he knew the story so well. I'm looking forward to learning more about how God used Jonah, then sharing the story with my boys.

I have a feeling I'm going to learn a lot about myself over the next 6 weeks too. So Jonah --- here I come!

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