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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Christmas Tornado

Ryan has coined the phrase "Christmas Tornado" and I just love it. How did he come up with it? Well, a few days before Christmas, the boys were painting on blank canvases. JD likes to draw actual pictures, but Ryan just likes to mix up the colors and cover the entire canvas with whatever color the combined paints creates (which is usually black or brown). So he was painting and scribbling all over the canvas so carefully, and he asked "Do you know what this is?" We said "no" and he said "It's a Christmas.......tornado." It was the most perfect description of his picture. And ended up being the perfect description of our house on Christmas Day.

The boys got just about everything on their Santa list this year --- JD got a Nintendo 3DS XL, which he's been asking for now for over 2 years. Ryan got a LeapPad (a kids' version of an iPad I guess). They got pocket knives, a Wii (well, that was for all of us), and a new go cart. Yes, a go cart. I can't believe Santa got that for them either.

They had fun finding the go cart too. Santa left clues in the form of a scavenger hunt so they went looking all over the house for their new toy.

It started in the middle of the Christmas Tornado.

There was a clue hidden in my rock collection.

And one in the freezer.

One in the bathtub.

And on their dry erase board.

Then finally --- the garage is where they found their grand prize!!!

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