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Friday, January 11, 2013

JD's 1st Basketball Scrimmage

JD started basketball a couple months ago and this week he had his first scrimmage. It was so cute watching him. He really got into it and seems to really enjoy playing basketball (hey -- anything but football, right?).

Here he is during his 1-hour practice before the scrimmage.

You could always find him right in the middle of the action during the scrimmage. He never got to shoot the ball, but he did steal the ball from his opponent a couple of times. The coach kept him in for the entire game. Poor little JD, I kept catching him holding his sides. He was getting cramps from running. I guess he needs to do some conditioning if he's going to play the entire game! LOL!  JD's team ended up winning 6-0. 

As soon as we got in the car, JD took off his shoes (said that his feet were "stinging") and went to sleep. He was worn out!

And Ryan stayed entertained during the practice and game as well. Here he is, playing basketball on the sidelines.

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