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Friday, January 25, 2013


Look what I got for my anniversary!

Seriously? Yes, seriously. I know. I couldn't believe it either.
Here's how it happened:

For the last year or so, I've really been wanting a new car. Well, not new exactly, but new to me. I get the "fever" off an on, but lately, I've had it really bad. So Bud has been looking around for me to see what he could find. I knew I wanted another Tahoe or Yukon, but I didn't really want to spend more than like $20k, so that meant that it would probably have to be a 2007. I wasn't too picky about the color (hate maroon), but if I had to pick, I'd prefer a champagne color. It had to have a 3rd row seat, and less than 100,000 miles, especially if I was going to do any financing at all. If over that, I wanted it to be cheap enough that I could pay cash.

So Bud was on the hunt. For the last week or so, he'd been sending me links to pictures of Tahoes and Yukons he'd found. I would say "yes, I like it" or "no way." Today he sent me an email with this 2008 Yukon - champagne colored, with a 3rd row, and only 52,000 miles. It was just over $20,000 but I really liked it. We hadn't found anything that new with so few miles and in our price range, so I immediately emailed him back and said "yes, I want it. Let's go look at it tonight." Then I went into two hours of meetings. When I got back to my desk, I had three emails and three phone calls from him telling me to call him right away. When I called him back, he didn't answer (he was at the gym, I figured). So I headed to the gym and when I got out, we finally connected and talked. By this time, it had been probably four hours since the original email. He told me that we missed our chance - that he had waited until he heard back from me, and when he finally did, he called the salesman, only to find out that it had already been sold. The salesman had told him it would go fast, and he was right. Man, we were disappointed. I figured it just wasn't meant to be, and we decided to just keep looking.

On my way home from work, Bud called me to see where I was and that he was still at Beau's. I didn't think anything of it (because he's at Beau's pretty often when I get home). So, when I drove up to Beau's house, I noticed this new Yukon sitting in the driveway. My immediate thought was that Bud had been pulling my leg. They didn't really sell it but they were letting him just "test-drive" it for the night (aka: take it home, let the wife drive it and fall in love, then come back and buy it). But when I got out of the car, he told me that Terry (Stacie's mom) had just bought it. I was like, "What? That's exactly what I want!! Why does she need this big ol' car? She's retired!" The car was running and I asked if she was in it and they said no, that they were just checking it out. Then he told me to get inside and check it out too. I opened the door and immediately got a whiff of that new car smell. It was super clean, not a speck of dirt anywhere. Man, it was nice. Bud told me "get in and see how you like it." I started to, then shut the door and said "No, I don't want to. It makes me sick. I want this car. I'm jealous." Then he said "Happy Anniversary!" Huh? What? Then he said "It's Yours!! Happy Anniversary!" I was totally confused. I kept asking him what he meant, and didn't believe that he had bought it for me until he got the paperwork out of the car and showed me his name on it. Oh my gosh! I'm so excited. I can't believe he got me a car for our anniversary. I immediately thought of those commercials I've seen on TV where the hubby buys his wife a new car for Christmas, and I'm like "Yeah right. Who really does that?"  Um . . . . Bud does. Woo hoo!

It's been almost 9 years since my last new car. I know I didn't really NEED one. Dave Ramsey would kill me if he heard me say this, but I really really WANTED one. And now I've got it. Yay! I can't wait to drive it tomorrow.

But now . . . . what the heck am I gonna get Bud for our anniversary?

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