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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

JD Gets His First Buck!

This post is a little late -- sorry, the Holidays get the best of me sometimes and I get a little behind on lots of things, not just blogging. My house is still in complete shambles after the Christmas Day festivities.

Anyway, JD took his first shot at a buck a few days before Christmas. They were sitting in a blind at Kory Keller's ranch in DeHanis. JD saw an 8-point buck, took aim and fired Bud's 30-06 rifle. The rifle kicked so hard that it threw JD back, and he missed the buck.

Ever since JD shot and missed that buck, he's been itching to go back and try again. So on December 26, 2012, Bud took both boys out to his parents' place to give JD another shot at shooting his first buck. They had seen a nice buck a couple days before that, so Bud took them back to see if that buck would come back out. And sure enough, it did. About 10-15 minutes after the feeder went off, he wandered out. Using the same .243 that Bud used to kill his first buck almost 29 years before, JD aimed and fired, dropping that buck in his tracks. Or as JD says, "I dropped him in his socks!"

I don't know who was more excited -- Bud because JD killed his first buck at a younger age than he did, using the same gun that he used. Or JD because he finally did it, and now he can tell his friends.

Here is JD's first buck -- a 10-pointer!!! Some men hunt their whole lives and never kill something this big. We're so proud of him. The meat is currently being processed into sausage, and the head is waiting in line at the taxidermist to be mounted. I guess we're now going to have a deer head on our walls.



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