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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Getting Older is not FUN

Most of the time, I don't mind getting older. I actually enjoy my 30s way more than I ever enjoyed my 20s. I feel like I kinda know who I am, know what I want, know where I'm going. At the same time though, getting older means not losing weight nearly as fast as I could less than a decade ago.

I used to be able to look in the mirror, mumble the words "I need to lose weight," lie down on the floor, do 25 situps, get up and look in the mirror again and say "Ok, done." Ok, I might be exaggerating a little bit, but not much. I just had to think about it and it was done.

Not so much anymore. Being 33 (almost 34) means working my tail off, hardly eating anything, and never seeing that scale drop below my starting point. I've been working out 4-5 days a week for almost a month now, eating less than 1,200 calories per day (most days).....and nothing!!!

I know I need to just keep on doing it, and it will eventually pay off, but man....it's easy to get discouraged!

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