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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

First 100 Days

Tomorrow, Feb 1st, marks JD's 100th day of Kindergarten. This is something the schools all celebrate these days - it's a milestone (and they should also be able to count to 100 by this time). So he had an assignment to turn in a baggie with 100 items by today, Jan 31st. The instructions weren't totally clear - or maybe they were, and I just completely misunderstood.

The directions were to put 100 items in the bag (ie. beads, rocks, m&ms, barettes, etc). I thought that meant to put 100 different items in the bag. So we did that. We filled a gallon-size bag with 100 items from all over the house - 1 cotton ball, 1 rock, 1 pencil, 1 penny - you get the idea. When I walked him to class yesterday to drop off his cupcakes for his birthday, I saw someone turn in their bag with 100 Skittles. I asked his teacher, Mrs. Wilson, if it was supposed to be 100 of the same items or different items. I thought the kid had done it wrong. She didn't really say one way or the other - just said that the bag that was turned in was ok.

Then that night when I was on Pinterest (are you seeing a Pinterest theme? Yes, I'm addicted), I saw a teacher friend pin a picture of a 100-day counting mat that had small items of the same kind sorted out. OOPS!!! It finally hit me that my child was going to be the only one in the room with a bag full of 100 different items. Silly, silly mom!!! And poor JD would have been so embarassed.

So when the boys woke up the next morning, we re-packed his First 100-Day bag with more reasonable items: 10 Q-tips, 10 pennies, 10 marshmellows, 10 silly bands, 10 pieces of candy, 10 pencils, 10 balloons, 10 rocks, 10 nerf bullets, and 10 buttons. Man. . . . .I guess I really need directions to be spelled out specifically. But thanks to my quick visit to the classroom and my friends on Pinterest, I caught it before I embarassed JD too badly.

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