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Monday, January 9, 2012

New Years Bliss

I welcomed in the 2012 new year the best way I could have. No fireworks. No kiss. No black-eyed peas. No champagne (well, ok a very small glass - I had to).

I welcomed in the 2012 new year doing what I love most . . . .scrapbooking! I went to Rockin R for a weekend scrapbooking retreat 12/30 through 1/1. There were about 15 ladies there and we were busy scrapping away when we realized it was nearly midnight on New Years Eve. So we all took about a 5 minute break from the scrapiness to pour a small glass of champagne, turn on the TV to see the New York Ball Drop, count down the last 10 seconds, then do a quick little "woo hoo," clink our glasses together, and drink a sip or two of champagne. Then we went right back to our work.

For several years, Bud and I spent New Years Eve at his aunt and uncle's in Somerset, standing around a campfire, eating BBQ, riding horses, etc. That was fun (and cold!), but not nearly as fun as this. I so thoroughly enjoyed ringing in the new year doing my favorite thing. Some of you are probably thinking "Gosh, how selfish! Wouldn't she rather ring in the new year with her family?" Here's the thing. . . .we don't do anything for New Years anymore. It's honestly too dangerous to go out and drive late at night --- too many drunks on the road. My family is in bed before midnight, so I didn't really feel like I was missing out on anything.

That being said. . . .
In my 48 hours at Rockin R, I competed 31 pages and pretty much completed my 2011 scrapbook. Here are a few fruits of my labor:

"We Love Nanie"

A close up of the monogram "N"


"Hot Stuff"

"Future Heartbreaker"

I'm not sure when I'm going back to Rockin' R, but I can't wait!!!

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