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Saturday, January 21, 2012

A Sprinkle for Baby #2

Last weekend, on Jan 14th, we had a baby shower for Stacie's #2. We held the shower at my church in the fellowship hall. After Jackie was done decorating, the typically plain room looked absolutely gorgeous.

As one of the activities, the guests all pitched in and made a scrapbook for the Baby's first year of life. I brought all of the paper and supplies for guests to make a page - one for each month of the baby's first year. They had full creative license, but just had to leave room for at least 1 photo. That way, later, all Stacie has to do is insert a photo each month and she'll have a complete scrapbook capturing her little one's first year, one month at a time. It's really hard to find time to scrapbook when you have a newborn to care for, and a 2 year old to chase around, so without this, the chances of Stacie making a 1st year scrapbook right away is slim. Now she doesn't have to!

The guests seemed to enjoy making pages for Stacie. I just realized I don't have a picture of the completed album. I should get one from Stacie. . . . . . after I finish the last pages (I need to finish the Newborn and 1st Year pages).

Unfortunately we didn't a photo of all of the party hostesses, but they were: myself, Jane, Jackie, Terry, Amo and Sue Rankin. Here's a picture of some of us, along with the guest of honor.

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