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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Goodbye Red Truck

Yesterday we sold Bud's red truck - a 2006 Chevy 1500. In October, we would have had it 2 years, which is actually above average for the length of time Bud usually holds on to a vehicle. He changes vehicles almost as often as he changes his underwear. I can't even count how many he's had since we got married 10 years ago.

But anyway,he wanted to sell it since he doesn't drive it much anymore. Since he got his little gas-saver Civic in May, he's only used his truck to hog hunt 2 or 3 times a month. So it was just sitting there and we were making payments . . . . on a hunting truck! Needless to say, it made sense to sell it, and he did - yesterday to a 16-year-old kid who was ready for something reliable. He'd been driving a jacked-up Dodge diesel that he bought at a used car dealership, and it had left him stranded a couple of times. Given our history with diesels, we know how expensive it is to repair and maintain them, so we know what he's going through.

We put an ad on Craigslist about 2 weeks ago, then reposted it on Wednesday night last week. On Thursday, this young boy and his mom contacted Bud. They set an appointment to meet up on Saturday morning. We met at the bank, he test drove it through the parking lot, and liked it. So we went inside, he paid off the loan, and that was it. It went so smoothly, I know it was meant to be. Now we're relieved of about $400 in payments and insurance! Maybe I'll get something new next year sometime. We shall see.

1 comment:

kelli-scrappin-mom said...

That's awesome. You should have asked the boy if he needs a boat to pull behind it!