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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Happy 5th Birthday Timothy

We all had such a great time celebrating Timothy's 5th birthday today. He had a bowling party at Bandera Bowl. Just walking in that place brought back some old memories. My very first job ever was at Bandera Bowl. I worked in the nursery when I was 15 - watching lots of children while their parents bowled on leagues. That was a tough job. Sometimes I had almost 20 kids at a time, and sometimes a few of them were infants. I remember freaking out - holding and feeding one baby while trying to calm another crying baby, at the same time watching the older kids climb the shelves in the closet and hoping that no one fell before their parents showed up.

We hung out at lot at Bandera Bowl when I was in high school, so it was kinda cool going back there today. The kids had a great time bowling, eating pizza and cake, and running around being crazy kiddos. Timothy, JD, Ryan, Austin and Addison played on one lane while the big kids played on the other lane. It was really cute watching the kiddos try to muster the strength to roll the ball down the lane. But it was even cuter watching Bud show them how to throw a "granny shot." LOL!

Nice form Timothy!
You should have seen the excitement on JD's face when he knocked down even 1 pin!
Love this shot!
After every shot, Ryan would throw his hand up and yell "Strike!" like an umpire in baseball.

Happy Birthday Timothy! We love you!

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