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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Ryan Turns 4

Yesterday my baby boy turned 4. It makes me happy and sad at the same time. I will never have a 3-year-old again, but I'm so proud of the kid he's growing up to be. Ryan is so sweet, thoughtful and has a compassionate and loving heart. Every night he prays for his family, and thanks God for his "pretty Mom," as well as his brother and dad. When he sees me each evening, the first thing he asks me is if I had a good day at work, then he offers to help me carry in whatever I'm holding. He also loves to sit on the counter and help me make dinner, and set the table. Man, I just love this kid, and I can't believe he's already 4 years old.

I think he had a pretty good birthday yesterday. We started the day with a birthday breakfast -- donuts, then went to the dentist (ok, not so fun, but had to be done) for his 6 month cleaning. Then I dropped them off at daycare (Miss Bessie's) and I made them some cupcakes for their snack. At home that evening, he opened his present -- a complete painting set because he loves to paint. He got a wooden easel, paint set, brushes, canvases and carrying case for everything. He loved it and immediately started creating his first masterpiece. Then off to swim lessons, followed by dinner at Sammy's with Nanie and Bada. What a fun day! His birthday party is this weekend, and he's counting down the days.

Happy birthday baby Ry-Ry! I love you so much!

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