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Monday, June 18, 2012

Boxer Obsession

All of a sudden, JD has become obsessed with boxing. At his request about 2 weeks ago, I downloaded a boxing game app onto my iPhone. Since then, he has just fallen completely in love with boxing. I'm hoping it doesn't last long - that it's just another phase. He's gone through these stages of infatuation with other things like dinosaurs, monster trucks, his go-cart, etc. So I hope the boxing phase is short-lived and doesn't go anywhere. Right now, he loves it and says that he wants to be a boxer when he grows up. NOOOOOO!

So for Father's Day, we bought Bud the Rocky I and Rocky II movies. We watched the first one yesterday and I hope we get to watch the second one this weekend. JD wasn't all that interested in the movie itself, until the fight scene at the end. Then he was 100% attentive.

A couple of days ago, JD and Ryan walked into the kitchen while I was getting everything ready to leave in the morning. They had drawn tattoos on their arms. JD called them "Boxer Tattoos" because they looked like the tattoos he's seen on some of the boxers.

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