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Monday, June 25, 2012

Pizza & Movie Night

Friday we had Pizza and Movie Night at home, but instead of ordering a greasy pizza from one of the local shops (that don't deliver), we made our own personal pizzas. It was so much fun. Everyone, even Bud, enjoyed making their own pizzas, exactly the way they like it.

We had cheese, pepperoni and jalapenos to choose from which was perfect, but next time, I want to have some olives and mushrooms too. Yummy! After we made our pizzas, we enjoyed eating them on trays in the living room while watching Rocky II (remember JD's boxing obsession?). We always eat dinner at the table, so eating in the living room is a real treat for all of us.

And we've really gotten into the Rocky movies. JD wears his boxing gloves during the entire movie, but then acts out the fight scenes along with Rocky. It's really cute.

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