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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

JD Prays

JD loves going to church and loves Sunday School. He likes to go to Awana and learn his Bible verses. We talk about God and why His Word is important for us to know and keep in our hearts. The only thing is that he doesn't like to pray before we eat or before bed. He always says he doesn't know what to pray about. We talk about that alot and what things he can pray for, but he just doesn't want to do it. I just figure he'll come around - we just need to keep praying with him, not to be too pushy, and he'll learn.

So while that upsets me a little bit, he reassures me by doing things like this:
He showed Brooks where he can find John 3:16 in his little pocket Bible. Nothing slows Brooks down, so he must have been very interested to sit there and listen to JD --- long enough for me to even grab my camera and take a couple pictures.

And this....
The last couple of months, JD has been interested in writing short stories during church. (A kid after my own heart!!!) All of his stories have been about his interests --- baseball, insects, hunting, etc. Then he wrote this one on 5/20/12 without being prompted at all. It's my very favorite so far.
(To enlarge, just click on the photo.)
He's just learning to spell, so everything is spelled phonetically. In case you need a translation, here's what it says:

"God is Wonderful - And His People"
"God is better than everybody. When you pray to God, things go better and he is powerful, and mighty and strong. You should pray all day. When things go bad, you can pray day or night. And you can write books about Him, and when you do that kind of stuff, God will love it."
"Double Duty by JD Blair"
(Double Duty means that he is the author and illustrator. Something he learned in Kinder.)

He's told me a couple of times that he's prayed about stuff while at school. And when Ryan was sick with a stomach bug a few months ago, Ryan was laying on the couch when he started to feel bad and thought he was going to throw up again. JD dropped onto his knees and prayed out loud that God would make Ryan feel better and help him to stop throwing up. Ryan didn't throw up that time, or any more after that. He started to feel better shortly after. JD was so happy that God heard his prayers and his brother felt better.

Ok, so now, after writing this blog entry, I guess I need to not be concerned. Even though it bothers me that he doesn't like to pray with us, after reading his story and hearing about his own unprompted prayers, I know he understands how important praying is, he thinks about it and does it when he feels it's the right time. That's probably even better than the times that prayer is expected.

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