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Friday, June 1, 2012

A New Tradition

I feel like we don't have a lot of family traditions that we've started ourselves, and I always have great intentions to do so. However, I fail to follow through. My busy life gets in the way of that sometimes. But I'm finally starting one....

Once again, this idea was inspired by Pinterest. Even though the idea wasn't created by me, I'm still claiming it as my own tradition!

On the last day of school each year, I'm going to have the boys hold up a sign that says what they want to be when the grow up. This year, at the end of Kindergarten, JDsaid he wants to be a baseball player, and he proudly displayed the sign. So....I could have the next Mark McGwire on my hands!

However, this morning, as I was dropping him off at the sitter's, he told me that he wants to be a boxer instead. Seriously? I thought I was raising a lover, not a fighter! I need to let him watch Rocky so he can see how bad boxers get beat up, and then how they talk as a result of the brain bouncing around in their heads. Maybe that will deter him??? Maybe. Until Dad gets ahold of him and tells him something different.

Please God, I'm praying for a Mark McGwire, not a Mike Tyson!

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