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Saturday, June 2, 2012

She's "Ready to Pop" Baby Shower

After weeks of planning, today was the day - Stacie and I threw a "Ready to Pop" baby shower for Rosanne Lopez. We got a lot of the ideas from Pinterest. We weren't sure how everything would come together, but we were so happy with the results.

Since we were using a "POP" theme, everything we did had some pop to it. We had a Popcorn Bar with 4 different popcorn flavors, poppy chow (chocolate and peanut butter Chex), cake balls and marshmellow pops (deliciously homemade by Trina Keller) and a really cute popcorn cake from Lucy's.

On the other table, we had all kinda of "Things that Pop!" There was popcorn chicken and shrimp, jalapeno poppers, and a bunch candy - Tootsie Pops, Ring Pops, Blow Pops and Pop Rocks. There was also soda pop and "Poppin' Punch" which was a delicious and light summer punch made with limeade, pineapple juice and Sierra Mist - served in champagne glasses. Soooooo yummy!

There were also little handmade bags on this table labeled "Thanks for Popping In" - the guests could fill these bags with candy and take them on the road.

We decorated the tables with really simple tissue paper pom-poms that Stacie made, set atop glass candlestick holders from The Dollar Store. And we added little cups covered with scrapbook paper and filled with potting soil and flowers. A great take-away for our guests.


Here's the sign-in table, complete with a lolliPOP topiary tree. We're guessing it had about 180-185 dum-dums stuck in the topiary. It ended up being A LOT more work than we thought it would be.

I really love this framed Bible verse and sonogram picture. And the color of the flowers were really beautiful. I really really liked how the sign-in table turned out.

Here are the three of us - me, Rosanne and Stacie - after the shower. We had such a nice time and now, there's only one thing to do . . . . wait for that baby to get here. We can't wait to meet little Baby Lopez. (I'm predicting that it'll be a boy!)

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