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Friday, June 1, 2012

From Kinder to 1st Grade

Gosh I can't believe it's been almost 2 months since my last blog post. Well, yes I can sort of. It's been a very busy couple of months with baseball, Awana, school, parties, work, trips, etc etc. Now that things have kinda slowed down, I hope to get back to this on a regular basis. There are so many things I need to blog about to make sure I capture those memories forever.

So I'll get started today with capturing a huge milestone in JD Blair's young life. He graduated from Kindergarten at Potranco Elementary on Wednesday, May 30th. And I must say, he was the most handsome and smartest one in the group. :-)

He passed all of his subjects and all of the topics that Kinder kids are supposed to learn about throughout the year. His favorite subject is Reading/Writing (I need to post some of the short stories he's written lately), his 2nd favorite is History, his 3rd favorite is Science and least favorite is Math. While he doesn't like Math, he's still pretty good at it, but just gets his plus and minus confused. But I think Reading and Writing are his favorite because now that he can read - and he reads soooo well - a whole new world has been opened up to him. He reads signs everywhere we go, he can read cards that have been given to him, he can read books to his brother. He even notices background signs on TV and reads those. I have no idea what he's talking about most of the time because I don't even notice the signs off in the background of whatever is on TV, so I have to slow down and look more closely. It's really awesome! I couldn't be more proud of him.

JD - shaking Principal Mr. Balderas' hand and accepting his diploma.

Proud Graduate!

JD got 2nd place in his class for Advanced Reading (AR). Derek got 1st place.
Here they are, proudly displaying their trophies.
The necklaces they are wearing are adorned with "Caught Being Good" charms. Throughout the year, each time they're caught doing something good, they are sent to the office to put their name into a bucket (for an end-of-the-year drawing) and they get a charm to put on their necklace. JD is very proud of his necklace and 9 charms.

JD and his proud parents!!! I can't believe we have a 1st Grader now.

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