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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Snake Killer

The boys are so excited about our new kitten. Bud doesn't like cats and although I love them, I don't like having outside cats. They just don't survive very long when they live outside, and I like them too much to think about something bad happening to them. However, the snakes have been so bad this year that we finally decided to get a cat to keep the snakes away.
A guy at Beau's fire station has a cat he uses for the same reason and since getting her, he hasn't seen a snake in 4 years. So when his cat had kittens, he took them to the fire station to get rid of them. Beau took one and brought home this adorable kitten for us!!! A kitten!!! I'm such a sucker for kittens.

JD wanted to name her Super Snake Killer, but that's quite a long name for a kitten. So we named her Wrangler (after a bull rider we saw while watching bull riding on TV the night we got her). It's such a cute name for such a cute kitty. The boys absolutely love her, and despite being held on her back with one hand around her neck by Ryan, she loves the boys too.

I know his eyes are closed, but here's a picture of Ryan holding Wrangler. It's not a good picture, but it gives you an idea of how he holds the kitty. She just lays there and lets him do it. It's like she just gets him - understands that he doesn't mean any harm, he's just rough by nature.

What a sweet little kitty. After spending her first 2 nights in the garage, tonight is her first night outside on the back porch. God, please watch over Wrangler as she lives outside. Please keep her safe, and help her to understsand and perform her duties to keep us safe from snakes.
Thank you Lord. Amen

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