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Thursday, September 22, 2011

A Day of Firsts

First Progress Report:
Every 3 weeks JD is supposed to get a progress report so we know how he's doing in school. We got his first one today. His FIRST PROGRESS REPORT EVER! I guess I'm pretty nerdy because I get excited about stuff like that. Overall, he's had a great start. He received "Satisfactory" marks in Writing, Counting to 20, and Work Habits. He also received a "Satisfactory" rating in Conduct. Of course, he takes after his Mom! :-P

First Spanish Book:
JD's class has a daily rotation called Specials. Three of the five days, his class has PE, one day they have computer class, and the other day they go to the library. Today was library day. We always like library day because that means we have a new book to read before bed at night. So when I got home tonight,, I pulled the book out of his bag, and saw that he got a book by Jonathan London called "Froggy Se Viste," which I'm sure is a great book . . . in Spanish. Bummer. No new book to read tonight.

1 comment:

kelli-scrappin-mom said...

Oh come on, you can't read his Spanish book after our College Spanish class we had together!!!