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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Round 2 -- Ryan's 4-Year Check Up

We went back to the doctor yesterday to re-attempt Ryan's 4-year check up, since last week's appointment turned into a Sick appointment. Today went much better. He is now 37 lbs 6 oz and 41.75 inches tall, which means he's in the 60th percentile for weight and 80th percentile for height. He's "slim" according to Dr. Parsi, which is just perfect since 1 out of 3 kids these days is overweight.

He had his first vision test where he had to cover one eye and identify the shapes on a wall. He knew square and circle so she stuck to those shapes. JD was such a "helpful" big brother -- I had to tell him more than one time not to whisper the answers to Ryan during the exam.

Dr. Parsi looked at the little bump on his shoulder and measured it - we'll go back in a couple of months to check on it again. She also read all the test results from the blood work and x-ray we did last week -- all is good and fine for Ryan. She had to refer us to an Ear Nose Throat doctor though to get his tonsils checked out. They're still pretty swollen even after a week of antibiotics. So we have an appointment for Aug 23rd to see about that. Might need to remove them?? Ugh! Gosh I hope not. That's the worst surgery I've ever had.

Then we did the dreaded vaccines. He screamed bloody murder during the shots and as soon as the last one was done, he stopped crying. Such a tough little kid. It's so hard to hold him down while they're doing that though. He just looks me right in the eye, and all I keep thinking is that he's wondering how his mommy could let those mean ol' doctors do that to him, right there while I hold him down. That's so sad when you think about it. :(    One of these days he'll understand that it's for his own good, but right now, it just seems so cruel.

Because he had 4 shots, he got 2 suckers and 2 stickers -- then his big brother gave him his 2 stickers as well. It made perfect sense to the boys: 4 shots means 4 stickers!!

All in all, we've got a healthy (and quite adorable) little 4 year old. Thank you God!

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