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Friday, July 6, 2012

4th of July

Our church had a float in the 4th of July parade and we went up to help decorate it the night before. Cheryl painted the banners then all the kids put their hand prints on them. JD was in rare form that night and really didn't want to do it - he said he didn't want to get his hands dirty. When he said that, it took me back a few years to when he was a baby and he hated to get his hands dirty. If he got something on his hands, he'd hold them out and wimper until someone wiped them down. Even at his first birthday party, when kids are supposed to tear into their cake, JD didn't want to touch it. When Papa (my dad) walked by and stuck JD's hands in the cake to get things started, JD just broke down crying and wanted his hands cleaned.

He's not really like that anymore (thankfully), but his mood about not getting his hands dirty the other night just reminded me of him as a baby. After a little coersion by some of the other moms though, JD finally decided to participate and put his hand prints on the banner.

But you can tell he wasn't really that happy about it.

Ryan loves to paint and get his hands dirty. So he had fun with it - I think there are at least a half a dozen
Ryan prints on those banners. 

He even got me to do it too.

 All 4 boys got to ride on the church's float during the parade. Here they are before the parade started. JD's holding a bag of candy - they threw candy to the kids as they rode past the crowds. He loved doing that, but said he loves watching the parade more --- because he wants to get the candy, rather than throw it out to everyone else.

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