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Monday, July 2, 2012

Birthday Party Fit for a Cowboy

We celebrated Ryan's 4th birthday with a Cowboy Party on Saturday. We had about 25 or 30 people here, along with a bouncy castle and water slide. Everyone really had fun, especially our 4-year-old little angel.

Granny filled about 100 water balloons for the kids to play with. It took her about 3 hours to fill them and about 3 minutes for the kids to go through them all. I know it was a lot of work, but the kids (and Bud) had fun with them while they lasted.

 The boys are sad that all the water balloons are gone.

Then we brought out some fresh-cut watermelon. It was Papa's first time to cut a watermelon too. The watermelon was delicious . . . and courtesy of Joe & Rosanne Lopez. The day before the party I went to the grocery store to get food for the party. When I got home, I set the watermelon on the counter while I unloaded the rest of the groceries. I must have bumped the big melon because when I turned around, all I heard was "SPLAT!" It had rolled off the counter onto the floor and broken apart. . . . right onto my freshly-cleaned and mopped floor. Ugh! I posted the mishap on Facebook and within a 1/2 hour, Rosanne had offered up their watermelon! Thanks guys!!

JD, Kevin (JD's class friend), Michael and Matt Newton enjoy a watermelon seed spitting contest.

Ryan blows out his candles.

The first present he opened was a b-b gun from Uncle Beau, Aunt Stacie, Brooks and Case. Now he can shoot cans and targets with his big brother in the backyard too!

And Papa and Nana got him a new bubble gum machine. They got him one for his birthday last year and Ryan LOVED it. He loved it so much he wanted to carry it around with him. Which wouldn't be too bad, except that it was made of glass. After 3 days, he had dropped it and it broke into a million pieces. So Papa got him another one, but this one is made of plastic.

And the mini water guns were a hit with all the boys at the party. Granny gave Ryan a bag full of water guns - I bet there were 20 of them in there. All the boys grabbed a gun (Ryan didn't mind sharing at all) and ran back to the water slide and pool.

What a fun, successful party! It's Monday afternoon and the bouncy castle and water slide are still here, so they have gotten to use it for 3 days now. What a great bonus!!!

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