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Friday, January 11, 2013

What Do You Celebrate?

Can I just have a brag moment? I'm so proud of JD - his loving heart, purity and sheer confidence. I was cleaning out his backpack before he went back for his first day of school after Christmas break, and this is what I found:

He said that some kids in his class told him he shouldn't have written "Jesus's Birthday."When I asked him why, he said they told him that it's not a good answer. He should have written that he celebrates Christmas. What was his response to them? "I just told him that I do celebrate Jesus' Birthday, and that's why I wrote it." I told him that I'm so proud of him for sticking to what he believes in, for not letting people change his mind, and that it's great to be a little different.

The word "Uncommon" keeps coming to mind. Our church youth group wears a navy blue shirt that simply says "Uncommon" across the front --- encouraging students not to be afraid to be a little different than the crowd. My 6 year old is just that, and I'm so proud.

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