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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Our First Dozen Years of Marriage

Twelve years ago today Bud and I tied the knot, after dating for over 5 years. So we've been together about 17 1/2 years total, which means that I've been with him for about half my life!! That's kinda crazy, when you think about it. Half of my entire life!!!

We celebrated our first dozen years last night. Beau & Stacie kept the boys over night for us and we went out to eat at Myron's Steakhouse. OMG! So delicious. Definitely the best steakhouse we've ever been too --- and also the most expensive. The food was awesome, the service was terrific, the atmosphere was romantic -- all around, great experience.

After dinner, we got into the car, looked at each other and said "Wanna just go home?" Sad, I know. It was only like 8:30 and we had the whole night to ourselves. Kidless. And we just went home. Well, we have been married 12 years -- I think that probably officially makes us old now. Haha!

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