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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas with Papa & Nana

On Christmas Eve, we all went to Papa and Nana's house to celebrate with them. We did a potluck lunch -- I took homemade cheese enchiladas (which Bud helped me prepare -- wow!), Kelli took rice and beans, and Daddy and Linda provided dessert and tamales. It was a delicious lunch, but as usual, way too much and we were so full! Then we opened presents. The boys got monster trucks and a book-writing kit. Later, Ryan said his favorite Christmas present he got was the monster truck, and on Christmas Day, JD used his book-writing kit to write a book. It's called "The Tinis Racit" (aka "The Tennis Racquet") and it's all about him and Timothy playing with the tennis racquets that Timothy got for Christmas. They started fighting over the racquet, broke it, and then got it fixed by Bud using the rolls of caps that they got for their cap guns from Kelli. Hmmm....not sure how that would work exactly, but that's what the story says.

Anyway, after they opened presents, they all went outside for some play time. It was Christmas Eve but it was like 75 degrees outside. Go figure.

Then the boys posed for some pictures with Papa.

Silly faces.

Excited faces.

Sad faces.

Thinkin' faces.

Pretty faces.

Loving faces.

Papa and his 4 grandsons. Lucky guy!

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