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Thursday, December 27, 2012

A Royal Ride

I can't believe the entire Christmas season went by with hardly any updates on my blog. It was a pretty eventful Christmas. We had so much fun this year! It just gets better and better each year - the more the boys understand things, the better it is.

So I guess I need to do a few posts to my blog, but let me start with JD's school program. He sang 3 songs with his 1st grade class on December 18th. But it wasn't just your typical 1st grader's Christmas program night. . . .JD and some of his friends were taken up to the school by horse and carriage. Yes, you heard right. HORSE & CARRIAGE!!! Bud's hunting buddy, Larry, has a little girl in JD's grade. Her name is Shyenne ("Shy-Shy") and she and JD are friends too. So when little Shy-Shy asked her Daddy if she could go to the school in a horse and carriage, he made it happen for his little girl. Then she invited some of her friends -- including JD, Ryan and one of her classmates, Hunter, and his little sister. So here they are -- being delivered to school like true royalty.

 Getting things ready.
Climbing on the trailer, while their chariot is being prepared.

Almost ready to go.

Shyenne is the little girl next to JD with the two missing front teeth.

Their journey started about 1/4 mile down Potranco Road. They road up Potranco to the street in front of their school and turned there. Then headed up to the school. So it was only about a 1/2 mile ride total, but with the horses slow walk, it took about 10 minutes. Traffic was completely backed up, while this royal bunch took their stroll up to schoo. Here they are, coming up the road in front of the school. You should have heard the squeals coming from their carriage. They were so excited!!

Ryan is mad because he wanted to ride again.

That was such a special treat! JD and Ryan had so much fun.

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