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Monday, October 15, 2012

The Tonsils Will Stay

About 6 weeks ago, I took Ryan to an Ear Nose Throat (ENT) doctor to have his tonsils checked out. (See Say Ahhhh post) They're always so big and I've been concerned that he got my tonsil problems. I had mine removed when I was 17 because I was a carrier of strep and had it all the time. Ryan has only had strep throat once (about 3 months ago) but his tonsils always look infected. So the ENT doc said we should remove them - mostly because I told him that he snores like a grown man, and thrashes around a lot at night. It never seems that he gets into a deep sleep.

So we set the appointment for October 19th which is this Friday. As the date has approached, Bud and I have gotten more and more nervous. I've started having terrible dreams about Ryan every night. Bud has doubted the need for the surgery. So I scheduled another ENT appointment with a different doctor to get a 2nd opinion. Sooooo glad we did that.

When we got there today and he started asking questions, I began answering them the same way I did last time -- he snores really badly, all night, thrashes around, seems to never get good sleep. Then Bud said that he didn't seem to have the same problems when the boys slept with him last month while I was in Europe. They slept in bed with him for 9 nights (they love it when I'm out of town because they get to do this), and they all slept fine. Ryan didn't keep him awake. I suddenly realized that my point of reference was really outdated. The last time Ryan slept with me all night was on our summer vacation last year -- in Galveston, and he was sick, getting over an allergy and sinus infection. Hello Katie!!! I didn't realize it had been that long ago.

So after a few more questions and consultation, the ENT suggested that we wait and see if he improves even more. He said if he snores all night long, or seems to stop breathing in his sleep, he should have them out. Otherwise, there's no need as his tonsils are about the size of many average 4 year olds. I'm so glad we had the 2nd opinion because now we don't have to get the surgery done. Oh, and the doc said that we really have until he's about 11 to do it before it becomes a really bad surgery (like it was for me). He said that kids under 11 still act like kids and recover quickly, but after 11, they act more like adults and the recovery is harder. So we have 7 years to monitor this. Whew!

I was fully convinced that we were going to pay this doctor today to tell us the same thing the other ENT told us. But here we are --- no surgery, healing child, relieved parents, and 7 years to monitor him and change our minds if needed. We'll just keep praying that God heals his little throat and that we'll never need the surgery. I've had lots of people praying for Ryan and this is proof that God heals.

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