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Monday, October 15, 2012

Praying Hands

**This is an old post from about February. I completely forgot to post it and just saw it in my drafts folder. However, I wanted to post it because it's something I always want to remember.**

On Thursday of this week Ryan woke up sick with a stomach bug. JD was fine and went to school but the nurse called late morning saying that he had gotten sick too. Bud, who stayed home with Ryan, went and picked up JD from school and went home with both boys - throwing up. JD started feeling better pretty soon after they got home but Ryan felt bad most of the day, getting sick every couple hours.

At one point in the afternoon, Ryan woke up from a short nap complaining that he was going to get sick again. Bud grabbed the bucket and held it for him, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw JD climb off the chair, get on his knees, fold his hands and pray to God that he would help Ryan to feel better.

We couldn't be more proud of JD. We love that his instant reaction was to ask God for help. To add to it, Ryan didn't end up throwing up that time, and didn't get sick for the rest of the night either. JD kept talking about how he prayed and God made Ryan better. :)

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