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Sunday, October 28, 2012

A Fun, Dress-Up Kind of Weekend

We had a busy weekend - filled with costumes, face paints, candy and bouncy houses. On Saturday, we went to the Fall Festival at church. Costumes welcome.The boys played all kinds of games (ring toss, penny toss, cake walk, etc) and jumped in the bouncy houses for about 3 hours straight. Nothing like jumping in the bouncy house dressed as your favorite super hero:

JD is a blue power ranger, and Ryan is Captain America.

Well, I love to dress up as much as the kids do, so I threw a quick outfit together and went as a Band Groupie. It's fitting. . . .my husband is in the band.

And as if that wasn't enough, we went to Awana on Sunday evening and it was Noah's Ark Night, so we had to dress up or paint our faces like an animal that went on the ark.
Brooks was a tiger (painted by Stacie): 
JD was a snake (painted by me -- I did checkerboard rather than diamondback. My bad. Oh well. JD didn't care - he loved it and was in total snake character all night.)

Ryan went as a monkey (painted by Stacie. I think she's got a newly-discovered talent.)

I was a cat.

And Stacie had crabby lips.
Awana was fun tonight. Lots of kids came dressed up or with their faces painted.

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