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Saturday, January 28, 2012

JD's 6th Birthday Party

It was a Toy Story-themed party, held at our house, on Saturday, Jan 28th. The weather was gorgeous - a little cool and windy - but sunny and nice for an outdoor January birthday. We had a bouncy castle in the front yard, and whiffle ball game on the side of the house, and a sandbox in the back yard. The party was a blast and we had 52 people here!! What a great turnout. A bunch of friends from church, a few of his friends from school, and our family.

These are the Toy Story Alien Cupcakes I made (thank you Stacie for helping me decorate them!). I can't take total credit for these though - I got the idea off Pinterest.com.

We did a Toy Story version of Pin the Tail on the Donkey. We played "Put the Parts on Mr. Potato Head." Since we had about 25 kids, I made two Mr. Potato Head boards and we did it in teams. We split the kids into two teams and as each team member took their turn, we blind folded them, spun them around, then led them to the board where they had to place their part on the board. The kids really seemed to enjoy playing. Afterwards, we held up each board and all the party guests had to cheer for their favorite. It got pretty loud in the house with all the cheering.

Since we had all the kids rounded up in one place and we had their attention, we went over to the table to sing "Happy Birthday" and cut the Toy Story cake. I can't believe my baby is 6 years old!!! Before I know it, he'll be losing all of his teeth, then wearing deodorant, asking girls out on dates, driving, and off to college! Agh!!!

Then . . . . . .it was time to open presents. Holy cow that was insane. He had so many gifts, and all the kiddos were literally sitting right on top of him as he opened the presents. It was a complete whirlwind. Writing down the gifts and who they came from is certainly a thing of the past, unless you can write 500 words a minute. It was crazy!!!

 Ryan was so mad because he didn't get to open any presents. Poor little guy. He doesn't quite understand yet, but Bud did a good job of trying to explain to him that his turn is coming in 5 months. After a 15-minute meltdown, he finally calmed down and returned to the party.

 He got baseball stuff - new cleats, batting gloves, helmet and a ball bag.

He also got several new guns, books and Toy Story paraphenalia.

 We got him new cowboy boots. . . . .

 . . . . . and a Red Ryder BB Gun. He was thrilled!!!!

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