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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Declutter 2012

One of my goals for 2012 is to declutter my house. The entire thing. One room, drawer, shelf, cabinet at a time. I found a great Declutter Calender on Pinterest (my newest addiction right now!) and each day it assigns you a small task such as "declutter one bedroom shelf" or "go through your spices and get rid of expired ones." I've done pretty good with keeping up so far.

I'm not even sure what today's declutter assignment was, but I had my own idea. I really really needed to declutter the boys' rooms and get rid of some toys. Lots of toys. Both of their toy boxes were completely full, overflowing with toys. So when Bud left this morning to help his dad take down a fence, me and boys set out to declutter their toy boxes. Surprisingly, they did pretty good.

We started with JD's room and put out 3 boxes - labeled "Keep," "Donate" and "Trash." Then we pulled everything out of his toy box and piled it in the middle of the floor, and I explained that anything that was broken, missing pieces or not a fun toy to play with anymore, put in the "Trash" box. If it was still a good toy but he didn't play with it and probably wouldn't play with it anymore, put it in the "Donate" box. Anything he still liked to play with, put it in the "Keep" box. I was shocked when he started throwing stuff away. At the end, the "Keep" box had less stuff in it than the others!

We did the same thing in Ryan's room. We ended up with 2 full "Donate" boxes and 2 full "Trash" boxes. His toy box is now less than 1/2 full - plenty of room to get filled up next weekend when he has his birthday party. Haha!



I still don't know what to do with all of his monster trucks. For now, they're piled up on his headboard. We'll see how that works. Seriously....if anyone has any suggestions, please share.

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