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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

We got our tree on Saturday. It's a family tradition now for about the last 10 years or so - we all go out to Pipe Creek Christmas Tree Farm to choose and cut down our tree. This year, we got some good rain at just the right time, and the trees were beautiful. They were fuller and straighter than the trees we've seen there in the last several years.

Here's the one we chose:

And of course, Daddy had to cut it down for us. He always gets to do the dirty work. By this time, the boys had run off and jumped on the hay ride trailer.

Here's the annual "How Tall Am I?" pose.

We got the tree home and set up on Saturday, but after such a long day, we didn't decorate it until Sunday. Bud had a performance at church and we were just too tired to go, so me and the boys stayed home and decorated the tree. Only 2 ornament casualties, so that's not too bad! It's a beautiful tree and we're all very proud of it.

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