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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Cookies

Me and the boys made Christmas cookies one night while Bud was out hog hunting. They had been asking to make some gingerbread men, so that's what we made. When I told Ryan that's what we were gonna go, the first thing he said was "Well, if we make gingerbread men, will they run away?"  Haha! I guess he's heard the Gingerbread Man story one too many times.

Then we took the cookies over to Kelli and Jason's house the next night to decorate them with all the other kiddos.

Ryan, JD and Timothy getting things started.

Ryan in mid-sprinkle.

Addison. Very precise and focused. Such a girl.

Amber and Austin.

Austin's stocking cookie.

Ryan's over-decorated gingerbread man.

JD's gingerbread man.

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