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Friday, September 14, 2012

Kids Say the Darndest Things #3

Ok let's pause for a quick intermission from the Paris/London trip. I want to capture a few things that Ryan has recently said that are just adorable and I don't ever want to forget them.

About a month ago, he was at daycare/preschool, eating lunch with all the kids. Him and JD were having a conversation, and their teacher, Mrs. Brown, told us that she likes to just sit there and listen to them talk and enjoy their little discussions. Here's what she heard:

Ryan: "JD, when is Jesus' birthday?"
JD: "December 25th."
Ryan: "Will there be a bouncy castle?

I just love his innocence and simplicity. Life is all about chocolate milk and bouncy castles.


Then just this week, Ryan and Zane (his friend at preschool) were talking over lunch. Again, Mrs. Brown was enjoying their talk --- well, it was more of a disagreement. Something had happened between them and as a result, Zane was telling Ryan that he could no longer come to his birthday party this weekend at Pump It Up.

Zane: "You're not coming to my birthday party now."
Ryan: "Yes I am."
Zane: "No you're not."
Ryan: "Yes I am."
Zane: "No. I'm writing you off." (Where did he ever hear that by the way?)
Ryan: "I'll pray for you."

How cute is that? I'm just so proud of him and his precious heart. Instead of responding like a typical 4 year old (and typical Ryan) by saying something like "Yeah, well, I don't care. I'm gonna go to your party anyway" he said he'd pray for Zane. That just makes my heart smile.

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