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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Wow! I'm 35.

I can't believe I'm officially out of my early 30s! Yikes! I'm 35 today and it actually....kinda....sorta feels like I'm 35. The boys couldn't wait to give me my birthday present so they gave it to me yesterday morning. They went all out this year and got me an iPad. It's awesome! I hadn't asked for one (because they're so expensive) but they got me one anyway. I love it.

Then JD and Ryan went over to Brooks' house yesterday afternoon and they went with everyone to Willie's Backyard to celebrate birthdays in Stacie's family. They got to play and have fun while me and Bud went out for dinner and a movie. We went to Pappasito's (my pick) and had some delicious steak and shrimp. It was wayyyyyy too much food, but it was so yummy. I had a watermelon margarita to go with it.

Then we headed over to the Palladium and watched "Trouble with the Curve" a new movie with Amy Adams and Clint Eastwood. Good storyline but the details were really kinda cheesy. We enjoyed Starbucks lattes and a brownie during the movie. Totally beats popcorn and a coke any day of the week. We got home around 11pm or so and pretty much just went to sleep. I know, boring old married couple. It's ok. I enjoyed it.

Today's my birthday and I woke up to a quiet house and spent some time playing with my new little toy, my iPad, and updating my blog. I also got a call from my daddy first thing this morning. :)

Happy Birthday To Me!

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