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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Women of the Bible

We are starting a new Bible Study in my ladies group called Women of the Bible. We're gonna learn about some of the significant women in the Bible and their experiences. I love this and am totally looking forward to learning about them all, and finding out what I have in common with them. Some things I might like, and some I might not like so much. But either way, I'm really excited about it.

As we were getting a short introduction to the study last night from the lovely lady that will be leading it, Debbie Torres, she was going through a list of questions that we might consider as we go through the next few weeks. Some self-evaluating questions like:

Do I have integrity?
What is my work ethic?
What are my priorities? And does it show?
What kind of wife am I?
Am I a good mom?
What is a good mom?
Am I someone I'd want my children to look up to?

On and on . . . . . but the ones that always grab my attention are "Am I a good mom?" and "Do I have my priorities straight?"

I think I am a great mom most of the time, but as most moms probably do, there are times when I'm not so proud of myself. Moments when I find myself getting really frustrated and yelling too much. I know the kids are only 3 and 5. . . . . but that's just it. . . . . . they're only 3 and 5. They're supposed to be clingy and needy. They're supposed to want 100% of my attention 100% of the time. They're supposed to be loud and energetic. They're supposed to test my limits (I hate that part, but I know it's a part of their development.)

Sometimes I have a lot of patience and am very tolerant. In fact, I get lots of comments from my friends about how patient I am. Sometimes I'm not so patient though - the kids' energy and questions and constant demands really wear on me. It's times like those that stick out in my mind when my friends comment on my patience. I also know that I work too hard, too much. My job is very draining on me both mentally and emotionally. Sometimes I feel like I come home with nothing left to give my family. That's when I really question my priorities. I know my family is my 1st priority, but sometimes it probably doesn't feel that way to them. And that makes me very sad.

All that being said, I know I tend to be very hard on myself. I expect nothing but perfection (hence, the working too hard!) in everything. That's a very high standard to put on myself so I'm trying take it easier (TRYING!!!). But sometimes I wonder if I had been alive 2000 years ago, would God have found value enough in my story to include it in the Bible? And what lessons would women today be taking away from it?

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