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Thursday, October 27, 2011

My Kids Can Plank Too

Planking is all the rage right now. There are even websites dedicated completely to planking photos. What is planking you ask? Wikipedia has a great description, but to paraphrase:

"Planking" (or the "Lying Down Game") is an activity consisting of lying face down in an unusual or incongruous location. You're supposed to mimick a wooden plank - the hands must touch the sides of the body and the head is turned face down, looking toward the ground. Having a photograph of the participant taken and posted on the Internet is an integral part of the game.

The idea is to find very original and unique places to plank. So when JD started crawling across the monkey bars yesterday, I had a great idea. . . . . introduce the boys to the newest fad. . . . . planking. I told JD what to do and after a few minutes, he was in perfect position and I snapped the picture.

Ryan caught the planking bug too.

I love these pictures!! Everytime I look at them, they make me laugh out loud.
If you haven't tried planking, you should. It's hilarious. To see some other planking photos, click here: www.planking.me/

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