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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Halloween Treats

I was feeling a little crafty so I made a couple of treats for Halloween. I made these Spooky Bottles for my coworkers, and also gave one to JD, Ryan, Ashton and Timothy. There were a total of 24 of them. I used the Piece of Poison stamp set from Stampin' Up for the skeleton and "Trick or Treat" message.

I made these for the kids in the boys' classes. They're clear cellophane bags and I filled them with candy corn or Reese's Pieces, then topped them with a cute stacked topper. The spider was cut out with my Cricut and pop-dotted for dimension. I really like how they turned out and they were super easy to make.

1 comment:

Rose said...

I love seeing the stuff that you come up with. Super cute! I am jealous of your creativity! Oh and great job on keeping up with the blog. I'll keep checking back to see what you have been up to!