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Monday, November 28, 2011

I Finally Broke Down . . .

. . . . and did something I said I'd NEVER do! I bought myself a pair of skinny jeans. What are skinny jeans you ask? According to http://www.wikipedia.org/, "skinny jeans have a snug fit through the legs and end in a small leg opening that can be anywhere from 9" to 20" depending on size." Back in the 1950's, they had something similar called cigarette pants.

Anyway, I don't think they're a flattering style so I said I'd never wear them. Well, I lied. I bought myself a pair last week. I HAD TO!!! I really wanted to wear boots this winter and boots don't fit over regular cut or boot cut jeans, so like I said, I HAD TO!!!

And the really weird thing is that I like them. Alot!So as the old saying goes --- "Never Say Never!"

Skinny jeans can lead to ''tingling thigh syndrome''

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