
Never a dull moment at the Blair household! Check back often or sign up to get email notices so you can stay up on what's happening in this crazy little life!

Monday, June 10, 2013

So Much Going On

OMG! So much has been going on since JD's green stick break over 2 months ago. I've been so terrible about keeping my blog updated. Life is busy.....JD & Ryan, you'll understand one day when you have kiddos of your own. With school, church, Awana, sports, work, and all the other things (big and little) that life requires of us, my blog, while definitely on my mind, was the last thing I could get to each day. Now that Summer Break has officially started, I hope to do a better job of keeping up with this. Some people may think that it's unnecessary and something I could easily just "x" off my "To Do" list, but I think it's totally necessary. Because, hopefully, one day my boys will be able to go back and read all about their childhood, as viewed through their mother's eyes. That's why I scrapbook too. So much happens in our daily lives, some things that we'll remember very well, and some things not so well, and other things not at all. I really want to remember them all, and with my memory, it's best if I capture it somewhere. So JD & Ryan - I hope that one day you appreciate this blog and my scrapbooks --- it's all for you!!!  I love you boys more than words or scrapbooks or blogs could ever say.

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