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Friday, June 21, 2013

Let's Get Those Tonsils Out!!!

Friday, May 24th, we left the house at 7:30 am, dropped JD off at school (it was his Field Day!) and headed to the surgery center off Stone Oak and 1604. We needed to be there by 9am for registration and his surgery was scheduled for 11am. Ryan wasn't allowed to eat or drink anything, and we didn't want to eat in front of him, so Bud and I didn't eat either. We were all starving!! But our nerves from the anticipation helped with that for a little while.

Dad and Ryan, on our way into the hospital to get Ryan checked in.

After we checked him in, with his "bracelet" on.

Me and Ryan, showing off our "bracelets."

Mom and Ryan

Right about 9am, they called us back to the surgery triage area, we changed Ryan into his gown, then sat and waited. We were in there for abuot 2 hours or so, waiting for his turn to go into the OR. We were so pleased with how well Ryan handled it all. He knew he was going back for surgery and he didn't see all that scared. He had questions and every once in a while, grabbed onto me and hugged tight, like he was scared or nervous, but he didn't cry once. He handled it all like such a big boy.
Dad is putting Ryan's gown on him.

At one point, Dr. Moe and the anesthesiologist came by to talk to us about the surgery and Ryan asked if his tonsils will ever grow back. Dr. Moe chuckled a little and told him that was a good question for a little 4 year old, but that no, they wouldn't ever grow back. Ryan was satisfied with that answer.
Then about 1/2 hour before they took him back to prep him for the surgery, the nurse came by and gave him a little cup of "happy juice" to help him relax before the operation. He took it pretty well, but said it tasted really yucky. The nurse agreed. She said they try to flavor it with grape, but it's pretty bitter.

Here we are, trying to kill some time and keep a 4 year old entertained for two hours in a 5' x 8' space.

So after two hours of waiting, it was finally Ryan's turn. The  nurses came to his bed and told him it was time to go. I fully expected him to be scared, start crying and cling to me, but in typical Ryan form, he was such a strong little guy and faced his fear. He gave me lots of kisses and hugs, then went quietly with the nurse. I, of course, was the one crying. I did everything I could hold back my tears so he wouldn't see because I knew that if he saw me cry, he'd think there was something to be worried about and he'd start crying. So, I held it together, and off he went.

Since Bud and I hadn't eaten anything and knew it would be hours before we had another chance, we took advantage of the next 30 minutes. Bud made a quick run to Wendy's and when he got back, I ate 1/2 of my burger as quickly as I could out in the car. As soon as I got back in the waiting room, I wasn't there 2 minutes before Dr. Moe came out to tell us the news. Ryan did great! He handled the surgery well, tolerated the anesthesia like a pro, was in recovery, and it would be about 15 minutes until we could go back and see him. I waited impatiently for those 15 minutes until the nurse finally came to get me. Only mom could go back at first, then dad came later.

As soon as I got back there, this is what I saw:

He was sleeping so peacefully. His arm still had the IV in it and was wrapped with medical gauze to keep him from messing with it or pulling it out.

 When he did wake up, he looked like this. So calm. I asked him how he felt and he said in a really gravelly voice: "good." He was really groggy but tried so hard to stay awake. I think he was uncomfortable being there in that bed by himself and didn't want to fall asleep in case we weren't there when he woke up. When they offered him a popsicle, he accepted and ate the entire orange-flavored popsicle. He also drank a cup of apple juice and a cup of water, and wanted more. Poor little guy was so hungry from not eating all day, and by this time, it was about 2:00pm. We were finally discharged at 3pm and the nurse warned us that he might throw up on the ride home, especially after eating so much. I was so nervous about that, but I was prepared with a bucket. As soon as we got in the car, he put his head on my shoulder and crashed out. We stopped for his medicine and had to wait almost an hour for it, then drive almost an hour to get home. So he had a two hour nap in the car and when he woke up, he was feeling much better and was ready to eat again.

When we got inside, he ate two cups of applesauce, then an entire bowl of Top Ramen soup (aka Daddy's Soup), and was still hungry. So I made him two scrambled eggs and he finished that too. He never did get sick and we could tell that the worst was behind us!

Ryan -- you took this surgery like a champ. I had my tonsils out when I was 17 and it was one of my worst experiences. I hated every minute of the recovery, starting from the moment I woke up after the surgery was over. I was so nervous for you, but you handled it so much better than I could have ever imagined. YOU ARE MY HERO!!! I LOVE YOU!!!

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