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Monday, December 19, 2011

Kids Say the Darndest Things #2

About a week ago, I bought a Barbie toy for the little girl on our church's Angel Tree. I had it sitting in the gift bag in the kitchen and Ryan grabbed it, brought it to me, and asked me to open the Barbie so he could play with it. After lots of fighting and tears, I finally got the box away from him and explained that it was for a little girl who isn't getting much for Christmas, and proceeded to hide the toy -- out of sight, out of mind. Then, in true fatherly fashion, Bud went on to explain to him that little boys don't play with Barbies. They are for girls only. And that was the end of that.

I thought Ryan had forgotten about it until yesterday. Out of the blue, he asked me about it. Here was our conversation:

Ryan: "Mom, do they have Barbies for boys?"
Me: "No."
Ryan: "Why not?"
Me: "Because they don't make Barbies for boys, only girls. Why? Do you want one?"
Ryan: "Yes."
Me: "Why do you want a Barbie?"
Ryan: "Because they're bootiful!"

Well, ok. Now it's not so bad. At least he wants them because he thinks they're beautiful, and not because he wants to brush their hair and try cute high heels on them. Whew!

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