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Monday, April 2, 2012

Awana Grand Prix Year 2 - Meet the Design Team

After our first Awana Grand Prix last year, when almost all 4 of us got last place in speed, this year IT WAS ON! Bud focused on getting our cars as fast as possible and I focused on design. Of course.
Jared Minor cut out our designs, then we all had fun painting our cars together. 
JD's car theme was Iron Man. He designed it and painted it all by himself. No help at all from Mom & Dad. I think it turned out great. I'm so proud of his creative mind and confidence.

Ryan is still a little too young, so I painted his Thomas the Train car (which turned out really cute if I do say so myself). But since Ryan likes to paint too, I gave him a board to paint. So he painted us a sign. He had so much fun doing it too. Every week or two since then, he likes to get that board out and repaint it.

Bud painted his car. Nothing fancy. Just plain black. He tried some purple racing stripes but didn't like them, so he stuck with just plain black. He didn't care about design so much -- he just wanted to win the race.

Here's part of the mess we made. We really had so much fun doing this project as a family.

Here are the finished cars. Left to right: Bud's black race car, my blinged out pink and brown zebra print "K," JD's red and gold Iron Man, and Ryan's Thomas the Train.

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