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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sick and Tired

I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. And tired of everyone around me being sick too. Since Christmas, it seems like it's been non-stop. I felt bad a few days before Christmas, but went to the doctor the day after Christmas with a sinus infection. Ryan was also sick the last week of the year with a virus. He ran a 102 - 103 fever for about five days straight. About 10 days after my sinus infection, I was sick again, this time with an upper respiratory infection and I got started on a 10-day antibiotic. About one week later, JD started feeling bad, complaining of a sore throat and saying it was hard to swallow. No fever though. . . . . .at first. Then later that evening, he started running a low grade fever of about 100.5. I gave him some Tylenol and in the morning, he didn't have a fever. I kept him home from school, just to keep an eye on him. He seemed pretty normal so back to school he went for the next two days. One of those days was his 7th birthday.

That night, he started running fever again so off to the doctor we went. Strep test was negative but we started him on antibiotics, just in case the results weren't accurate, and the doctor sent the culture off to the lab. Just 2 days later, I started feeling bad AGAIN! I thought it was allergies, but when I started running a fever, I figured it was something more. That same day, Bud started running a fever. We figured we had the flu so he went to the doctor - flu test was negative. But it sure seems like that's what he has. He's been moaning and groaning, and has barely moved from his recliner. Ryan also started running a fever, but he seems to be better now, other than a little congestion. JD's doctor called yesterday and confirmed that he did, in fact, have strep after all.

The only silver lining in this season of dark clouds is that my kids love to cuddle when they're not feeling good. Ryan has fallen asleep on the couch with his arms wrapped around me the last 3 nights. I hate that he's sick, but I really love the cuddle time.

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