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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Sweet Boy

This smile absolutely melts my heart. I just keep looking at this picture and see such a special little guy, and it makes me smile inside and outside. Ryan, I was reminded today that you are 3 1/2 years old already. You keep talking about the fact that you're almost 4, and I keep telling you that I'm not gonna let you turn 4. I want you to stay my 3-year-old for forever. You insist that you're going to be 4, and I guess you're right, but I just want you to stay little. I enjoy your personality so much and I don't want you to grow up and change. There are so many stages and I love this stage so much.

You like to play rough with the boys, but you're still a mama's boy. When I come home from work, you're outside playing baseball with JD and Daddy. But as soon as you see me, you ditch the ball and bat, run up to me with those big blue eyes and bright smile, and give me hugs and kisses. Sometimes you even ask "How was your day Mama?" I just think it's so sweet of you to ask me that.

Then without me even asking, you help me carry stuff in from my car. Today you tried to carry in a gallon of milk and didn't get very far. After just a few steps, you started saying "Mama, it's too heavy. I'm gonna drop it." My hands were really full too, but you were strong enough and held on until I could free a hand and grab it from you. Since your hands were free and I had everything else, you ran up and opened the door for me instead. What's really funny though is that you opened the door then stood right in the way. When I tried to get past you, you just inched over a little to the side, then grabbed on to my legs, and moved around me as I walked past. You were totally in the way the entire time, but it made us both laugh so hard because you were really trying to move out of the way. I love your laugh - it's awesome, and contagious. It makes me so happy.

You're the most complimentary 3 year old I've ever met - always telling me that I'm pretty, that you like my shoes, my clothes or my eyes. I hope you keep that going. People like to hear nice compliments and you're so good at giving them. You also really like girls right now, and you remind me of that everyday. If you see a cute girl on TV, in a book or magazine, or at a store, you'll tell me that you think she's pretty. Your favorite saying right now is "I like girls." I have a feeling I'm in for a some trouble when you get older.

Older. . . . .older . . . . older. I don't even want to think about that. You're my little buddy, Ryan, and I hope that no matter how old you get, that never changes.

Valentine's Day Card

I made this card for Bud for Valentine's Day. I used a heart-shaped Sweet Treat cup from Stampin' Up and filled it with Valentine's Day M&Ms.

And on the inside, I couldn't think of any better way to say "I Love You" than a passage from the Love Chapter, 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. It's really the perfect message about Love.

Kindergarten Valentine's Day Party

Yesterday Bud and I had the chance to go to JD's school and participate in his Valentine's Day party with his class. We had so much fun. They started by passing out their Valentine's cards to everyone in the class. Then Ms. Wilson broke them up into groups of 3 and they rotated among the various stations she had set up: Bingo, Valentine's Day card-making, cookie decorating, building blocks, and the class favorite - musical chairs.

I helped with the cookie decorating.

Bud helped with the musical chairs - which is why it was the class favorite. They were having a good ol' time over there. Most of the kids didn't want to leave that station once they were there. JD included. He didn't do any of the other stations - not even mom's cookie decorating. :-(

Bud had the kids laughing and really enjoying themselves. They were pretty good sports about it too whenever they didn't get a chair and had to sit out for the rest of that game.

I'm not sure who was having more fun -- Bud or the kids.

And here's JD with his best buddy in the class - Josiah. (Nice red kool-aid mustache JD!)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

JD's 6-year Check Up

JD had his 6-year check up with Dr. Parsi today. He had to take his clothes off and put on a gown and he's getting to the age where this embarrasses him, so he didn't want his picture taken. I tried, but he kept covering his face. So, the best I could do was take a picture of his check-up form.

He put on about 4 pounds and grew 2 1/2 inches in the last year, putting him in the 45th percentile for weight and 50% percentile for height. He's on the slender side - she said he's absolutely perfect, exactly where she likes to see kids his age. With his current height and growth chart, he's expected to stop growing around 5'10" or so. Not quite as tall as Bud, but thankfully, not as short as me.

I asked the doctor about his 6-year-old behaviors: talking back, not listening, being defiant. I totally expected her to say that it's normal (or that I needed to do a better job of parenting), but to my surprise, she said it's a sign of confidence and leadership abilities. He feels strong and confident enough to speak out. Hmmm. . . . I guess I'd never thought of it that way. She said to use positive reinforcement - praising him when he's doing something right and being specific about what it is he's doing right. She said to correct the bad behavior but not to focus on it - focus more on the positive when he's done something good.

He did really well at his appointment. He did what the doctor told him to do, answered her questions, etc. And as a reward, he got two lollipops and a sticker. Don't we wish it was that easy for us as adults? That we'd do anything for a lollipop and a sticker!!