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Monday, July 27, 2009

My Dark Hair

So I dyed my hair this weekend, and it's pretty dark. I'm still trying to get used to it. I will walk by a mirror and look over and kinda get that surprised feeling all over again, like I forgot I had it done. LOL! I really like it though. And Bud LOVES it. I think he likes Italian girls, so this is about as close as he'll get to one! Haha!

So how did I decide to do it? Well, it was time to get something done - either more blonde highlights to blend the dark roots, or dye it. I'm kinda tired of blonde highlights and it was getting to be almost too blonde, which makes the roots more noticeable (more quickly) and requires a lot of highlights to keep up with it. So I called my "hair girl" and told her I was ready for something different and wanted to dye it. She got really excited about the change and said I'd look great as a brunette. When I got there on Saturday, I went with her recommendation. Hey, it's just hair, right? It can always be changed.

So it ended up a little darker than I had expected, but I'm very happy with it. I've always wanted to go darker, but was afraid to, so I'm glad I went with her recommendation. I think it makes my eyes stand out a little more too, which is cool. For some reason though, it makes me feel like I have to wear a little more makeup.

Anyway, use the "comments" link below the picture to tell me what you think.

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