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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Our New Deck

Today was a busy day. For the last 3 weekends, Bud, Jason and my dad have been building a big deck off the back of our house. It looks awesome. While they work, Kelli and I have worn ourselves out chasing 4 boys around the house, so we decided to take them to the pool today instead. We all had a really good time, but were exhausted afterwards. When we got back, Kelli and I made a big steak dinner with peppercorn cream sauce (YUM-O) and a chocolate cake to say "Thank You" for all the help on the deck. (I guess Kelli really didn't need to help since I was the one saying "Thank You," but she did and I really appreciated it.)

Anyway, here are a few progression pictures of the deck.

Day 1

Day 2

Week 3

And here are some pictures of us at the pool.

The 3 of us - Ryan, JD and me

JD and me

Timmy - what a Pro!

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