
Never a dull moment at the Blair household! Check back often or sign up to get email notices so you can stay up on what's happening in this crazy little life!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Another School Year is in the Books!

Alice Cooper's "School's Out for Summer" keeps going through my head. Well, that line of the song does anyway because I don't know all the lyrics!! LOL.

The boys had a great year of school. Other than 2 Ns in the first semester, Ryan had all Ss this year (S means Satisfactory, and it's the highest "grade" they can get in Kindergarten). JD had all As throughout the year. They enjoyed the school year, stayed out of trouble, and even though they are excited about summer, they are going to miss their teachers and friends. They had a great year, and I couldn't be more proud of my boys.

JD received the A-Honor Roll Award, and received a medal for placing 3rd in his class for the Accelerated Reader program. He accumulated the 3rd most points of all his classmates.

Here's Ryan, dressed in cap and gown, shaking the Mr. B's (the Principal) hand as he crossed the stage.

JD and his 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Garcia.

Ryan and his Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Smith.

Now we are off to start our summer. Even though I have to go back to work, it's only part time and from home. So the boys will have to wait just a few hours each day, then I'm off work and we can take time to enjoy the afternoon!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Field Trips 2014

The PTO organization at the boys' school sponsored field trips this year. It was such a blessing for the boys to get the chance to do this, and it was awesome because I got the chance to go too!!!

On April 24th, JD and I went with the rest of 2nd grade to Enchanted Springs Ranch out in Boerne. It's an old west town setting where western movies have even been filmed. The kids got to see a longhorn up-close and personal, buffalos, Native American tee-pees, and a private show by Pistol Packin' Paula. She put on quite a show!

The class enjoyed Paula's show - she did a gun-twirling act, and a bullwhip show. 
The kids really got into it (and the parents did too).

The longhorn is real!

Tee-pee time!

On May 1st, Ryan and the rest of the kindergarten classes had their field trip and we went to Devine Acres Farm, which was, of course, in Devine. We had so much fun together. We got to take a hayride through their Christmas Tree Farm; learn about chickens and their eggs (we still don't know which came first); feed goats, ducks and geese; plant seeds to grow a pumpkin; and do a gemstone mining activity. I really liked that place and plan to go back with the kids later this summer.

Mom and Ryan on the hayride.

Feeding the goats, ducks and geese. 
He didn't like feeding the ducks and geese because they pecked at his hands.

Getting ready to plant a seed.

And here are our tired kiddos on the bus, getting ready to head back to school. Kenna Solis (Ryan's little "girlfriend"), Ryan, and his best little friend William Spaeth. The boys were very proud of the wooden snakes they bought in the gift shop.

The parents and teachers knew they were exhausted and were making bets about whether or not they'd fall asleep on the ride back to school. We were right. Sleepy little kindergarteners. So cute!!!! This picture is priceless and I can't wait to show them how they slept on each other's shoulders when they're all grown up.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

My Christian Hike

We've always heard about the Christian Walk - you know, going through life striving to be more Christ-like in everything we do. I've heard that phrase a thousand times. I've said it a thousand times. But the other day, while I was on the phone with my favorite aunt, Aunt Kathy, we were talking about the Christian life and how deciding to follow Jesus and walking the Christian "Walk" doesn't mean life will be easy. Sometimes we don't understand why we have to go through the things we do, but we just trust in the Lord, and through those difficult situations, we grow stronger.

That's what got me thinking. Why do we call it a "Walk?" When I think of taking a walk, I think of a serene beach with soft white sand, a cool breeze blowing through your hair, and the calming sound of waves crashing into the shore. It's easy. Something you do after a nice dinner, or after a hard day to de-stress….sometimes you even take those walks alone.

But with God, we don't walk alone.

So I think of the Christian Walk as more of a Christian Hike.

Don't get me wrong. Hikes are good too; they're just different. A little more challenging, more eventful, and definitely something you shouldn't do alone.

For a successful hike, you must be prepared. Your backpack must be filled with all the things you might need (pocket knife, compass, extra pair of socks, matches….you get the idea) for the predictable, and the unpredictable. As you take your hike, you can expect some uphill challenges, obstacles you have to climb over or walk around. You might even encounter a "snake," bear, or other pest that you knew to expect but were really hoping to avoid altogether.

Just as there are tests and trials along the way, there will also be the welcomed plateaus and downhill stretches that offer your legs some much-needed rest. You might even come to a small creek that provides great refreshment and a place to rest and regain some energy.

But most importantly…for a successful hike, you shouldn't do it alone. In fact, you should take along a hiking partner with more experience than you - someone who is prepared in tough situations. Someone who is well equipped to provide strength when you're weak, encouragement when you're weary, and rescue when you're in trouble. And of course, someone who you can trust wholeheartedly. Someone who is a friend.

God is the perfect partner in this daily Christian Hike.

So as I continue on my hike, I will expect the challenging obstacles, look forward to the restful plateaus and fresh-flowing creeks, and keep my focus on the end goal. All this while clinging tightly to my trusted hiking partner.

James 1:2-4 "…when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect & complete, lacking nothing."

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

3 Days Until Our Vacation

We are very excited about our upcoming mini vacation. We're going to South Padre Island. What do you think about when you hear South Padre Island?

The beach? Sandcastles? Seagulls?

Not my kids. When they hear those three words, they think SCHLITTERBAHN.

That's what they care about. To JD & Ryan, if we're going on vacation, it needs to include a water park, and preferably, Schlitterbahn.

So we leave in three days to head South for a long, much-needed, four-day weekend at the Schlitterbahn Resort, with weekend passes to the beloved water park.

We are excited! So excited that Ryan made this vacation count down calendar. Every morning, he pastes up another number to show how many days remain. We started with 24 days (on the other side) and now we're down to only three.

It's hanging right there in the center of our refrigerator door for everyone to see.

But let's be honest - after the last couple months we've had, and certainly the last couple of weeks, I think I'm more excited than the kids are to see that number get smaller each morning.

3 - 2 - 1
South Padre…..here we come!

Friday, March 28, 2014



Why is it so hard to do?

In today's society, we've gotten used to instant gratification. Fast food and microwaves mean that we can eat right when we're hungry and no longer need to wait more than a couple of minutes for our food to be ready (even those couple of minutes seem too long to us now). Cell phones means we can call anyone anytime - no need to wait to get home, or wait your turn to use the phone that's connected to the wall of your home, or the cubby of a phone booth. iTunes means we don't have to wait for our favorite song to be played on the radio - we just download it right when we want to hear it. Netflix and OnDemand means we can watch what we want…when we want. ATM machines mean that we don't have to wait for a bank to be open to get our money - we can get access to it 24 hours a day. Shoot - spontaneous couples can even get married in a drive-thru chapel now-a-days.

So waiting isn't a part of our culture anymore.

That's why it's so hard to wait when something comes along that demands that we wait. When that something is out of our control. When there's no drive-thru or 24/7 call center available to get immediate answers.

Like a job interview. We can go in, do our part, say all the right things, and leave with a good feeling. But then when we don't hear anything back within the first 15 minutes, failure and doubt start to enter our minds. "Why haven't they called me yet? Did I say something wrong? Did they not like me? I thought it went well…."  Some things take time. We have to remember that.

What's a bit ironic is that "back in the day," before microwaves and cell phones and ATM machines, when people were accustomed to waiting, the result of a job interview was probably the one thing they didn't have to wait for. These were the times before online applications and "please submit your resume on our website and we'll review it and get it over to the right party for consideration" response when you call to see if a particular company is hiring. This was when you could walk in the front door and tell the manager that you're looking for a job and wanted to know if they were hiring. If the first impression was a good one,  you'd get an interview on the spot, and if things went well, you were likely offered a position before you left for the day.

So the one thing you DIDN'T have to wait long for "back then," can take quite a bit of time "today." There are so many legal and political issues involved in the hiring process now, so hearing back within a week of the interview is considered unusual.

Which is when the waiting comes in.

Patience is a trait with which many of us struggle. I know I do. So we have to go to the Lord and ask that He would help us with this certain fruit of the Spirit. For me, patience requires a lot of attention to my thoughts, focus on my outward attitude, and a ton of prayer.

So that's what we're doing…praying…and praying…and praying.

And waiting…

Friday, March 21, 2014

Acts 1:8

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; And you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." (Acts 1:8)

That verse gives us instruction for one of the most important roles as a Christian - to witness about Jesus Christ. But it can be so hard. What if it's the wrong time? What if they reject me? What if they laugh at me? What if….? What if….? What if….?

JD doesn't worry about the "What Ifs…." He just does it. He takes his Bible to school and reads verses to his friends at lunch. He reads his Bible during reading time in class. For his 8th birthday, he asked for a bible carrying case, tab dividers for the books of the Bible, and a set of highlighters (he saw mine and liked it so that's what he asked for). Now he uses the highlighters to highlight the verses that he's memorized, and the stories that he's read. I'm sure at some point, the entire Bible will be highlighted.

The last Sunday during church service, he not-so-quietly whispered to me "Do you know what's bad? That there are more kids in my class at school that don't know Jesus than kids that do." I know he's been talking to his friends about Jesus, so I responded with "but you're changing that, aren't you?" "Yes," he said "but I need Bibles."

So I ordered some kids Bibles for him to give to his friends.

Tonight we'll pray over them and ask for guidance - who should he share them with?

I'm so proud of JD and his missionary heart. Acts 1:8 is so difficult for most of us to follow through with, but if we all had the faith of a child and weren't afraid of the "What ifs…," I wonder how many people out there we could bring to Christ?

Go JD Go!!! Show the rest of us how simple it is!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Through the Eyes of Their Mama

I've had my dream job as a full-time stay-at-home mom/housewife for almost 6 months now. When I quit my high-income, high-stress job to stay home and focus on family, I thought I'd have so much time on my hands. I thought I'd fill my days with some housework and working out, but mostly playing with the kids, volunteering my time, scrapbooking, and doing a much better job of keeping up with this blog.

Wrong. I've been terrible at it.

I've done lots of housework and some of the other stuff, but this blog….well, it's been almost non-existent these last 6 months.

So much has happened since my last post -- JD and Ryan's soccer season (Ryan's 1st season, no less), Thanksgiving, Christmas, JD's 8th birthday, JD's 2nd season of basketball, the boys' baseball tryouts….not to mention their school Christmas pageant, school awards ceremonies, Awana club activities, deer hunting and hog hunting adventures.

There's also been a lot of shuttling to and from school and athletics, church, housecleaning, loads of laundry, grocery shopping trips (trying my hand at couponing), child disciplining, Bible Studies and quiet time, and a LITTLE BIT of scrapbooking. So amidst all that, I haven't found the time to update my blog.

For those who have said to me (or other stay-at-home moms) "Now that you have nothing to do since you're not working…." I'm here to tell you, as a new SAHM, there's ALWAYS something to do. And the work is NEVER done. It's great though, and I'm certainly not complaining. I LOVE my job - I LOVE every bit of the cleaning, cooking, shopping, shuttling, laundering, and my mornings spent studying my Bible and attending Bible studies. I LOVE it, even if I get very little time for the scrapbooking and blogging. The important thing is that my time is spent focused on God and my family - the two most important things in life.

BUT - it's my mission to do a better job of keeping up with this. Because one day, I want JD & Ryan to be able to read this blog and get a little insight into their lives as kids, through the eyes of their Mama.