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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Happy birthday to me

What a horrible picture! But it's the best I could do - and Bud insisted on taking it. Ugh! I went to the doctor on Monday, Sept 21st because I didn't feel well. The doc thought I might have the flu, did a flu test and sent it to the lab, put me on Tamiflu and told me to stay home from work for 2 days. So I did....doctor's orders. I took the Tamiflu and never started feeling better, actually started to feel worse and running a fever. Each day I called the doctor for the flu test results, but they weren't back yet.

Wednesday was my birthday and I felt pretty bad. I was really sad too because I hadn't held either of the boys in two days and I missed them. I cried off and on all day long. :( But the boys tried to cheer me up. When they got home, they had brought me a cake, flowers and a gift. That was very nice. I made dinner, then opened my gift (gift card to Hobby Lobby - my favorite store, and a bottle of perfume), and had some cake. Again, Bud insisted on taking this photo...pajamas, messy hair, no makeup. Nice. Real nice.

Well I got my results on Thursday and it was negative! Great! I didn't have the flu. The downside? I'd been taking medicine for 3 days to treat something I didn't have. By then I had developed a pretty nasty cough, so he put me on an antibiotic because they figured I had an upper respiratory infection or something and needed to prevent bronchitis and pneumonia. That would be a great birthday present! LOL.

So on Saturday, Bud really compensated. We left the kids with Jane and Chester for the night and went to an early movie. We saw Love Happens which was pretty good, then he caved and took me to a really nice dinner at The Melting Pot. I say he "caved" because he did not want to go there - he was afraid he wouldn't get enough to eat. (That's always his biggest fear when trying somewhere new.) Kelli and Stacie had gotten to him -- telling him that I really wanted to go there, and finally convincing him. He decided that if that's where I wanted to go for my birthday, then that's where we should go. Yay! The Melting Pot was awesome. We had so much fun. We really enjoyed each other's company, and the food was excellent. It was the first time Bud has ever tried lobster....and....he loved it. He said it was his favorite thing on the plate - over steak, chicken and sausage. So proud of Bud for trying something new.

So it turned out to be a really nice, relaxing dinner. And as much as we love our kids, it was nice to not have to worry about eating as fast as we could, before food started flying across the table, or Ryan tried crawling out of his high chair. Haha! Our crazy little life.

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